We develop sustainable
growth strategies
to scale businesses globally

Overcome your growth challenges with us.
SDGx Advisory was founded to help companies that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals

Where we come from & what we believe in.

We build SDGx with the mission to close the sustainable funding gap of roughly 3 trillion USD - and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Funding will go to the companies that are most economically attractive.

Our job is to help companies contributing to the SDGs to be show that doing good can also provide a great financial return.

Positive Impact

We strive to creating lasting change by integrating ESG principles into your operations, driving social and environmental progress.


We are guiding your organization towards long-term success through sustainable practices that balance profit with social and environmental responsibility.


We are openly sharing information, fostering trust, and promoting integrity throughout our partnership.

Client Focused

We tailor our solutions to meet your unique needs and goals, ensuring your success is our top priority.

Our management team

Each of us focuses on the industries and challenges he cares most about.
What unites us is the comittment to solving our client's challenges.
Managing Partner

Christian Walter

Christian is based between Berlin and Bangkok. He has a background in innovation management, strategy and business development. As a consultant he worked across various industries such as recycling, manufacturing, renewable energy, real estate, oil & gas, chemicals and telecommunications.
Managing Partner

Ahmad Mukheimer

Ahmad works between Germany and the GCC region. He has brought one of the largest Health Tech Startups in Germany to the Middle East, and has helped several MENA startups develop and execute their fundraising strategies.

Jonathan Eade

Jonathan is working between Berlin and London. He has worked for a decade in the financial sector in London, developed sustainable investment strategies for family offices and is leading our ESG and Sustainability platform.

Chris Lossin

Chris has worked around the world for Fortune 500 insurance and healthcare companies in executive leadership roles. He is based in London, but regularly visits Asia-Pacific where he spent a large part of his professional life.

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